Английский, 7 класс, Read the


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Read the dialogue and choose the correct optionsSimple tenses

1. Present Simple

example: We travel every year.

He swims twice a week.

Do you travel every year? / We don't (do not) travel every year.

Does he swim twice a week? He doesn't (does not) swim twice a week.

We use the present simple

1.1. to show regular actions: She goes to school every day.

1.2. for habits: He runs every morning.

1.3. to show that actions repeat: They celebrate X-mas together every year.

1.4. for general truth: It snows in winter.

1.5. for instructions or directions: Be quiet!

1.6. for fixed arrangements: The movie starts at 7 p.m.

Signal Words for the present simple: usually, always, never, on Mondays, every Friday, twice a week, once a month, in general, every other day.

We use the present simple (not future simple) after these words (when, before, after, as soon as, until, if, as, etc.): We'll have dinner as soon as dad comes home.

2. Present Continuous

to be + V-ing form

example: You are studying English now.

He is writing an essay at the moment.

Are you studying English? / You aren't (are not) studying English.

Is he writing an essay at the moment? He isn't (is not) writing an essay at the moment.

We use the Present Continuous

2.1. to show the action that is happening right now: He's watching TV at the moment and eating his dinner.

2.2. for situations that are happening in this time period but not right now: He is renting the flat until he can buy his own one.

2.3. to show that we have plans for the near future: My mother is cooking a turkey tonight.

Signal Words for the present continuous: now, right now, at present, presently, for the time being, currently, at the moment, atthe present, nowadays, this year.

Teacher: Today we have to discuss an interesting topic: "What's better: Living in the city or in the country?" What do you think, Tom?

Tom: I think living in the city is better.

Teacher: Why do you think so?

Tom: Well, there are many shops, cinemas, sports centres and other places of entertainment in the city. So you have a lot of things to do in your free time.

Teacher: I see. What about you, Jane? Do you agree with Tom?

Jane: I agree that living in the city can be fun, but living in the country is better for our health. You can breathe fresh air, enjoy peace and quiet and relax.

Teacher: Thank you, Jane. Sam, would you like to add anything?

Sam: I think both the city and the country life have their own benefits. I live in the city and I like the facilities it has such as a good transport system, shops, sports centres and many other things. But every summer I visit my grandparents in the country. And I always enjoy a relaxing and healthy lifestyle they lead there.

Teacher: That's a good point, Sam. Thank you all for such an interesting discussion. Well done, everyone!

  1. He/She prefers living in the city. JaneSamTom
  2. He/She finds living in the country relaxing. JaneSamTom
  3. He/She goes to the country regularly. JaneSamTom
  4. He/She thinks that entertainment is important. JaneSamTom
  5. He/She thinks that life in the country is healthier. JaneSamTom
  6. He/She likes both living in the city and in the country. JaneSamTom

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