Английский, 8 класс, Read the


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Read the text and choose if the statements are true (T), false (F) or not stated (NS)

Lily: Mike, do you remember that Mum and Dad are going to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary soon?

Mike: Yes, that's amazing. They've been married for 25 years.

Lily: I want to give them a romantic present, Mike. Something thrilling and memorable like they do in romantic films.

Mike: That's a great idea. Let's give them a romantic ride as a present.

Lily: A romantic ride? Do you mean we should hire a white carriage with four white horses and let Mum be like Cinderella going to a ball?

Mike: No, Lily. That sounds a bit stupid. You like taking photos of yourself so for you that would be great. You'd take thousands of photos with the carriage and post them on your Instagram. But Mum and Dad wouldn't like the idea, I'm sure.

Lily: OK. What's your idea, then?

Mike: Do you know Alicia and Trevor? They're friends of mine! Well, they went on a hot-air balloon ride. They say it was exciting and romantic.

Lily: I think Mum will be scared. She isn't keen on extreme activities. We don't want Mum to be scared on her wedding anniversary day, do we?

Mike: Yes, you're right, Lily. That's a bad idea.

Lily: You know, Mike, a really romantic ride is a gondola trip in Venice in Italy. Just imagine all those beautiful buildings, and fascinating canals, and the truly Italian atmosphere of love and passion.

Mike: Venice? Well, that's expensive!

Lily: Well, it is, but that'll be something really unforgettable.

Mike: OK, Lily, I think you're right. A romantic trip to Venice and a gondola ride along the canals will make a fascinating present.

Lily and Mike's parents got married about 25 years ago.TrueFalseNot statedLily loves romantic films.TrueFalseNot statedLily likes taking photos of herself and posting them on her Instagram.TrueFalseNot statedAlicia and Trevor are Lily and Mike's cousins.TrueFalseNot statedLily and Mike's mum is fond of extreme activities.TrueFalseNot statedLily has been to Italy before.TrueFalseNot statedLily and Mike agree on a romantic boat trip for their parents.TrueFalseNot stated

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