Английский, 9 класс, Choose the


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Choose the correct options
  1. Jack goesis goinggo swimming on Mondays.
  2. Look! The dog runis runningruns towards you.
  3. The train leaveleavesis leaving at 5:30 from platform five.
  4. Are you goinggogoes out tonight?
  5. Sorry, I 'm not comingdon't comenot coming tonight. I've caught a cold.
  6. Jane is flyingflyingflies to New York on Wednesday.
  7. I goinggoesgo jogging when I have spare time.
  8. Sarah don't drinkdoesn't drinkdrinking milk because she's allergic to it.
  9. Sorry, I can't go for a walk with you. I doingdo'm doing my homework.
  10. Why are you wearwearingare wearing a tracksuit? Are you goinggogoes to a gym?
  11. Water freezesfreezefreezing at 0 degrees.
  12. Have you called Mary yet? I'm callI callingI'm calling her at the moment.

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